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Exploring Concurrent Union-Find

Members: Annie Xu, Henry Liu


Milestone Report

Final Report

Project Summary

We will implement 3 versions of the Union-Find (Disjoint Set Union) data structure:

  1. Serial
  2. Coarse-Grained Locking
  3. Lock-Free

We will compare the performances of these implementations against a variety of test inputs and usage scenarios to demonstrate the application of and motivation behind Lock-Free Union-Find.


Union-Find is a tree-based data structure that allows for the efficient querying of connected components within an undirected graph. A connected component is a group of nodes such that every node can reach every other node by traversing a series of edges.

Union-Find uses two basic operations:

In a naive implementation of Union-Find, the worst case time complexity of both Union and Find are O(N) with N being the number of nodes in the graph. There exists several measures to improve the amortized complexities of these operations:

Through the use of these techniques, we can improve the time complexity of both operations to scale with the inverse ackermann function: O(α(N)), (which is nearly constant).

Many famous algorithms depend on an efficient implementation of Union-Find. There are several interesting applications of Union-Find which we hope to delve into, including: